Figure 3.
‘Scanning electron micrograph of the porous hemp shiv, showing (a) interface between zones with smaller (lower) and larger (upper) longitudinal cells. (b) A close-up view of the vessels shows a bridging fibril in the central vessel. (c) The secondary walls of vessels in hemp shiv are overlaid by a warty layer (WL) and several fibrils in the vessels. (d) A close-up view of the parenchyma cells seen in the upper section of (a). V, Vessel; FW, fibre wall; FL, fibre lumen; P, simple pits; WL, warty layer; dotted line indicates interface.’
In: Jiang, Y., Lawrence, M., Ansell, M. P., & Hussain, A. (2018). Cell wall microstructure, pore size distribution and absolute density of hemp shiv. Royal Society Open Science, 5(4), 171945, p.6