

Journal article

Arobba, D., Caramiello, R., & Martino, G. P. (1998). Indagini paleobotaniche su reperti di una tomba del IV-V secolo d.C. rinvenuta ad Albintimilium (Ventimiglia, Liguria). Rivista di Studi Liguri, 63-64, 323-336.


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Borthwick, H. A., & Scully, N. J. (1954). Photoperiodic Responses of Hemp. Botanical Gazette, 116 (1), 14-29.


Brownell, B. (2018). Dazed and ... Constructed? How Hemp Could Alter Material Selections in Architecture. Architect Magazine.


Brümmer, M., Sáez-Pérez, P., & Suárez, J. D. (2020). Hemp Concrete: A High Performance Material for Green-Building and Retrofitting.

Journal article

Building with Hemp. (2016). Sanctuary: Modern Green Homes (25, Earthy Textures), 91.

Electronic article

Butler, N. (2020). Hemp Cultivation in Early South Carolina. Charleston County Public Library.


Carus, M., Gahle, C., Pendarovski, C., Vogt, D., Ortmann, S., Grotenhermen, F., ... Schmidt, C. (2008). Studie zur Markt- und Konkurrenz- situation bei Naturfasern und Naturfaser- Werkstoffen (Deutschland und EU). Gülzow.

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